Intelligent workforce request manager

Instant finalist candidates

Filling vacancies has never been easier and faster! No need to worry about finding candidates for your recruitment process. Velora selects the best finalist candidates and sends them directly to the hiring manager, almost magically!

How it works

Let the workplace request staff, and Velora will take care of everything

Customise the evaluation criteria for each position and approval levels, and the system will work for you, automatically sending qualified candidates to the job centre or hiring manager. From there, you can conduct the final interview, and that’s it!

Intelligent workforce request manager

A world of customisation options for every use case


Give as many “applicant profile” accesses as you need.


Establish the essential and desirable criteria for each position.


Configure the intelligent manager to propose the number of finalist candidates you prefer.


It monitors all processes in real time through customizable control panels.



Speed up “time to hire” and respond to needs in real time!

Speed up “time to hire” and respond to needs in real time!

With the intelligent workforce request manager, your internal customers will be satisfied. They will have access to optimal candidates as soon as they make a request. They can contact candidates via WhatsApp to schedule interviews or request documentation for hiring. You will be able to track the status of requests at all times—whether they are covered, pending approval, or still in progress. Most importantly, you will be able to focus your time on higher-value tasks!

The numbers speak for themselves.
Velora in numbers



Suitability of the requested profile


More efficient


More visibility of processes

Ready to start?

A platform designed to manage, simplify and accelerate all your selection processes, allowing you to focus on what is really important: hiring the best talent quickly and efficiently.

Resolvemos tus dudas

What is Velora?
What are the benefits of using Velora in my company?
What is the Velora method?
What do core features mean? And the add-ons?
What are Velora's core features?
What add-ons does Velora offer?
What industries is Velora designed for?
What positions can I use Velora for?

Velora Assessment: 
Work as always evaluate like never

Effortlessly integrate all the power of Velora into your talent software and enjoy all its advanced AI-powered features.

Ejemplo de generación de un jobflow

We make it easy for you:
fast integration.

Take your selection processes to the next level and integrate Velora Assessment's evaluation sequences with the full potential of AI.

Integraciones con: SAP, Teamtailor, Workable, etc.
Ejemplo de herramienta de generación de jobflows

Generate your jobflows
for each position

Create personalized evaluation test sequences for each position. Velora evaluates your candidates in a matter of minutes!

Stop wasting time with curricular screening and activate screening with AI.
Telephone interviews are a thing of the past! Design conversational chatbots in a few clicks and launch automated interviews.
Configure your video interviews, language tests, skills and much more with Velora Assessment!