Teamtailor integration with hr bot factory

Teamtailor integration with hr bot factory

hr bot factory is an AI-powered recruitment software that streamlines selection processes by automating the screening phase. Through our virtual assistants, we gather candidates' information and skills to conduct a comprehensive profile evaluation and calculate the match with the vacancy. Additionally, we provide real-time responses to candidates and automated feedback on the status of their application. This improves the candidate experience and helps enhance the employer branding of your company.

This approach frees HR teams from administrative tasks, allowing them to focus on the more strategic aspects of the recruitment process that add the most value to the search for talent.

Getting Started

First things first, to enable this integration, you must have an agreement with hr bot factory. Start by reaching out to your contact person at hr bot factory, and we will unlock the integration!

Set up workflow in Teamtailor

To use hr bot factory, the first step is to add an hr bot factory trigger to your recruitment process in Teamtailor.

At the top of the main Teamtailor dashboard, click on your profile to reveal a menu. From this menu, click on the Marketplace option.

In the navigation, search for hr bot factory, click on it, and activate the integration with your Teamtailor account.

Where to Find My Client ID?

To complete the integration, you’ll need your Client ID.

Access the platform provided by hr bot factory.

In your profile, you’ll find the Client ID code.

Copy it and paste it into Teamtailor, and the integration will be activated!

Configure Triggers on Job Positions in Teamtailor

With the integration activated, head over to one of your jobs on Teamtailor. From the applications view, click on Triggers.

At the Inbox state, add the trigger by clicking the ➕. 

Here, you will need the Keyword (Our team will provide you with the keyword you need!).

Once the trigger is set, candidates who apply to the job will receive an invitation for an online interview with the chatbot!

All the information collected by the bot will be transferred to Teamtailor, so recruiters can review it.

Important Notes

  1. Make sure to activate the trigger for all vacancies where you want candidates to receive an invitation to the online interview with the chatbot.
  2. The required fields to correctly integrate candidates are:
    • First and Last Name
    • Email Address
    • Phone Number

Information Transfer

The information transfer works as follows: 

  • Teamtailor shares the necessary candidate information with hr bot factory to send them the access link to the interview with the virtual assistant. 
  • hr bot factory shares all the information gathered during the interview with Teamtailor so that recruiters can access it and see each candidate’s match percentage with the vacancy.

Contact Information

Commercial Assistance:

Technical Assistance:

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Ejemplo de generación de un jobflow

Te lo ponemos fácil:
una integración rápida.

Lleva tus procesos de selección a otro nivel e integra las secuencias evaluativas de Velora Assesment con todo el potencial de la IA.

Integraciones con: SAP, Teamtailor, Workable, etc.
Ejemplo de herramienta de generación de jobflows

Genera tus jobflows
para cada puesto

Crea secuencias de pruebas evaluativas personalizadas para cada puesto. Velora se encarga de evaluar a tus candidatos en cuestión de minutos!

Deja de perder el tiempo con la criba curricular y activa el screening con IA.
Las entrevistas telefónicas son cosas del pasado! Diseña chatbots conversacionales en pocos clics y lanza entrevistas automatizadas.
Configura tus videoentrevistas, pruebas de idiomas, skills y mucho más con Velora Assesment!